Monday, March 4, 2013

I'm Back!

Well hello. I would like to just pause for a moment and let you know that yes, I am still in fact alive! Its been what?  8 months or so? Well good news. I'm back :)

-I am in the middle of my second semester at Saint Cloud State University.
-I have found myself a great guy I get to call my boyfriend. His name is Andrew :)
-I quit my job at Scheels and picked up a new job at Bodiddley's where I get to work with my favorite cousin in the whole world.
-My wonderful Grandma passed away on February 6, 2013 :'( She was so strong.
-My sister, Marissa turned 15 two days ago!
-I met Macklemore and Ryan Lewis.
-I got my second tattoo, a Rosary, in honor of my Grandma <3
-I had my first sip of Alcohol.. I figured my freshman year of college would eventually break me.

For now the easiest way I can show you how I have been is through a series of pictures.
Meeting Macklemore!
R.I.P. Grandma.

My two cousins at Danielles wedding.
Tattoo #2 for Grandma.

My Bestfriends in College.