Saturday, July 28, 2012

Busy Saturday.

Well, I woke up at 1:00p.m. this afternoon.. Don't know how I accomplished that one. I fell asleep at a decent time last night. A lot earlier than I normally would. Right now i'm wishing that I would've woke up a lot earlier because I have a shit ton of stuff to do today.

For starters, I NEED to clean my room. It literally looks like a hurricane came through. It's really gotten out of hand. Take a look for yourself...

Looks pretty rough, huh? Hopefully I can get it clean by tonight.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Good Hair Day.

I'm loving how my hair looked like when I woke up this morning. I took a shower, didn't brush it, and then fell asleep; and then BAM. BEAUTY LOCKS :) Take a peak..

I just threw in a headband to add a little something more. Can't wait to head into to town to show it off. Have a great day :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Well I'm extremely sad. I'm not going to We-Fest anymore :( I was gonna go with my friend, Brandon. But all he wants to do is get, quote, "Fucked up".. I'm really not a big partier, nor do I drink. Him and a bunch of his friends were all gonna work in the same campground with me. I had no problem with that until today when I asked him if we are car-pooling, and if he had a tent that he was bringing. Then one thing led to another, and now I'm not going. I'm gonna trust my gut on this situation. No doubt that We-Fest would've been a blast, it just that what was I going to do after my shift gets done? I would've been that awkward girl who doesn't know any of Brandon's friends sitting around by them while they drank and got drunk and I'm just sitting there like, hello I'm awkward Kayla..  What would happen if some really drunk person came up to me at the campground and started harassing me? Brandon and his dumb-ass friends wouldn't be there to help me because they wouldn't even be able to comprehend what was happening.. Fuck that. All I want is to see Luke Bryan shaking his Ass up on stage. But now I can't even do that.

I just needed to rant and rage. Thanks for reading :) Hope you all are having a much better day than me.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Prince :)

So, the #1 thing you should know about me is that I am a huge Prince fan!! Today was the best day of my life.. I finally got a picture with his star at First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN:)

My mom was obsessed with Prince. My childhood consisted of her idolizing Prince and listening to every single song he ever wrote and learning the lyrics to all of them at a very early age. So you can about assume why I also love him so much. My mom died May 14th, 2008 from cervical cancer, and I like to believe that every time a Prince song pops up while listening to the radio or on my iPod, that she is with me at that moment shaking her ass up in Heaven and singing along with me :) 

All my friends tell me that my obsession for Prince is unhealthy and that my music choices are "LAME" but then again, what do they know? :) Sorry that I don't like all the recent songs that get overplayed.. I personally enjoy the classics and most oldies.  Prince offers a huge variety and styles of music. Which is what made him to be a musical genius! (Thats just what I think, anyways)

My first thing on my bucket list is to meet or at least see Prince. Whether it be in concert or just me taking a peak into his recording studio in Minnetonka, MN. (and yes, I have had several dreams of both scenarios) When I'm typing out my feelings for him, I'm realizing that it may sound a bit obsessive, but then again, whats wrong with loving something so much? It definitely keeps life interesting.

Here are a few of my favorite songs by him for you all to check out and listen to if you haven't already:

1. Purple Rain
2. Darling Nikki
3. Diamonds & Pearls
4. Take Me With You
5. Cream
6. When Doves Cry
7. 1999
8. Let's Go Crazy
9. I Would Die 4 U
And many more.... Enjoy :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

DIY- Hair wraps

So last night I got super creative and energetic. I used all my energy into putting a wrap in my Cousin, Andi's hair. SHE LOVES IT. And plus, it's super easy. Take a look at the results.
Here are the instructions I used when I learned how to make these...

Here's what you will need:

Embroidery floss in various colors- I usually use two colors per wrap. I buy mine at Walmart for about .25 per skin. You can also use thin glitter hemp or another thin string, but I think embroidery floss works best.
Small rubber elastics-you know those little ones that are about the size of the tip of your pinky finger. You can use regular, or the non-damaging type. These cost about .50 per pack at a drugstore or department store in the hair care section. 
Here's how to do it:
1. Start by choosing a piece of hair to work with. I usually choose an area in the front of the head, in the top layer of hair, about the width of a small paper clip. You can make your wrap smaller or larger if you want, it is totally up to you. Keep in mind that a larger piece of hair may require extra time and floss to wrap.
2. Separate the section of hair you have chosen into 3 sections, and braid the entire length of the strand in a tight braid. This part is important, as if you don't braid it first, the hair wrap will slip of much easier.
3. Use one of the small rubber elastics to secure the braid at the bottom. You can also pull the rest of the hair back in a pony tail to get it out of your way. This is especially important for girls with really thick hair.
4. Choose the colors of embroidery floss that you would like to use. I usually use two colors. You can use three or more, but it will make the wrap a little thicker.
5. Separate out the embroidery floss so that you have one strand of each color, and cut so that the strands are a little more than twice as long as the braid that your are about to wrap.
6. You should now have 2 strands, two of each color (three strands if you chose 3 colors). They should be twice the length of the hair to be wrapped.
7. Lay both strands out together.
8. Grab the strands at the middle point, and tie all four strands around the base of the braid that you made. *If you want a charm at the top of your wrap, you can add it now, by threading one of the strands through the charm and tying securely with a small knot.
9. Once you have tied them securely at the base, check your strands. You should now have 4 strands hanging from the braid at the same length (six if you chose 3 colors).
10. Now it's time to start wrapping. Gather two strands of one color, and hold them down securely with the braid in one hand. With the other hand, gather the strands of the other color and start wrapping them around the braid and the other strands. (If you used 3 colors, you would hold down 4 strands and wrap with the other two). As you wrap, be sure you are only wrapping the braid, and move any stray strands out of the way as you go.
11. Wrap tightly in a clockwise motion around the wrap. When you have wrapped several times with one color, you can switch to the other color. Simply hold down the strands of the color you were using, and begin wrapping with the other color. This is where you can get creative. You can switch colors frequently, making small bands of each color, or you can make the bands of color larger, or use varying patterns. It's all up to you.
12. When you reach the end of the wrap, add any charms by threading a strand of floss through the loop of the charm. Tie securely with a double knot, and cut any excess thread. **Important! Make sure that you are cutting thread only, not hair!
13. Now your wrap is complete! If you made a nice, tight wrap, it may stay in for several days.

Hope these instructions made sense! It's super easy once you get the hang of it. Pretty soon all your friends will want you to give them one. They are so fun to have in your hair. Good luck and enjoy :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Well its been quite some time since I was last on here. I have been super busy. My family and I went camping the weekend of the 4th at Cedar Lake in Upsala, MN. My sister, cousin, and I met this boy named Mason _______... Let's just say that he was an absolute CREEPER! He stayed in our camper thee entire time and just wouldn't leave us alone. But eventually we parted ways and everything is all good now:) There were so many gorgeous sunsets while we stayed there, and knowing me and my handy dandy iPhone, I of course took many pictures! Here is just a sneak peek of one that I took :)
Cedar Lake. Upsala, MN.

Umm lets see.. OH YES! The Fourth of July. I went to Wilson Park in St.Cloud, MN with my Cousin Abbie(Who is my favorite) and also our friend, Taylor (which by the way also has a blog on here. Follow her!  we have recently become BLOG BUDDIES- Love you Taylor<3) The fireworks were big and beautiful, which is typically how most fireworks are described.

By the way, I started my first day of work at Scheels All Sports. I'm just starting out as a cashier until they realize that I am MEANT to sell. The first day was a bit overwhelming, but once I got onto the actual registers, it became much easier. So if any of you are around the St.Cloud area, come through my line at Scheels! ;)

I have a lot to look forward to this weekend. Tomorrow we are going to watch the Twins Game at Target Center Field in Minneapolis, MN. Can't wait to stare at Joe Mauer's Rockin' Booty ;) And then Saturday is my cousin Abbie's Grad party which should be fun. I'm not planning on staying too long because Holdingford Daze is also that night, so the more time I can shake it at the Street dance the better!

Sorry for such a long Blog post this time, it's just that its been two weeks and I wanna make sure you are all informed as to what I have been up to. Enjoy :)