Thursday, July 12, 2012


Well its been quite some time since I was last on here. I have been super busy. My family and I went camping the weekend of the 4th at Cedar Lake in Upsala, MN. My sister, cousin, and I met this boy named Mason _______... Let's just say that he was an absolute CREEPER! He stayed in our camper thee entire time and just wouldn't leave us alone. But eventually we parted ways and everything is all good now:) There were so many gorgeous sunsets while we stayed there, and knowing me and my handy dandy iPhone, I of course took many pictures! Here is just a sneak peek of one that I took :)
Cedar Lake. Upsala, MN.

Umm lets see.. OH YES! The Fourth of July. I went to Wilson Park in St.Cloud, MN with my Cousin Abbie(Who is my favorite) and also our friend, Taylor (which by the way also has a blog on here. Follow her!  we have recently become BLOG BUDDIES- Love you Taylor<3) The fireworks were big and beautiful, which is typically how most fireworks are described.

By the way, I started my first day of work at Scheels All Sports. I'm just starting out as a cashier until they realize that I am MEANT to sell. The first day was a bit overwhelming, but once I got onto the actual registers, it became much easier. So if any of you are around the St.Cloud area, come through my line at Scheels! ;)

I have a lot to look forward to this weekend. Tomorrow we are going to watch the Twins Game at Target Center Field in Minneapolis, MN. Can't wait to stare at Joe Mauer's Rockin' Booty ;) And then Saturday is my cousin Abbie's Grad party which should be fun. I'm not planning on staying too long because Holdingford Daze is also that night, so the more time I can shake it at the Street dance the better!

Sorry for such a long Blog post this time, it's just that its been two weeks and I wanna make sure you are all informed as to what I have been up to. Enjoy :)

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