Sunday, July 15, 2012


Well I'm extremely sad. I'm not going to We-Fest anymore :( I was gonna go with my friend, Brandon. But all he wants to do is get, quote, "Fucked up".. I'm really not a big partier, nor do I drink. Him and a bunch of his friends were all gonna work in the same campground with me. I had no problem with that until today when I asked him if we are car-pooling, and if he had a tent that he was bringing. Then one thing led to another, and now I'm not going. I'm gonna trust my gut on this situation. No doubt that We-Fest would've been a blast, it just that what was I going to do after my shift gets done? I would've been that awkward girl who doesn't know any of Brandon's friends sitting around by them while they drank and got drunk and I'm just sitting there like, hello I'm awkward Kayla..  What would happen if some really drunk person came up to me at the campground and started harassing me? Brandon and his dumb-ass friends wouldn't be there to help me because they wouldn't even be able to comprehend what was happening.. Fuck that. All I want is to see Luke Bryan shaking his Ass up on stage. But now I can't even do that.

I just needed to rant and rage. Thanks for reading :) Hope you all are having a much better day than me.

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